Sunday, February 24, 2008

From Dr Deadalus by Mark Rosen

"Rosen's ideas and aspirations are frightening to me because they are such vivid, visceral examples of a certain postmodern or perhaps, more precisely put, post-authentic sensibility we embrace and fear as we pop our Prozacs and Ritalins and then decide to be Jewish and then Episcopalian and then chant with the monks on the same Himalayan mountain via a cheap plane ticket we purchased between jobs and just before we sold our condo in a market rising so fast that when it falls if will sound like all of the precious China plates crashing down from the cabinet - a mess! What a mess!

Until recently, no more than a single major ideological shift was likely to occur in a lifetime, and that one would be long remembered for its conflict and soul-searching. But today it is unusual for several such shifts to take place within a year or even a month, whether in the realm of politics, religion, aesthetic values, personal relationships... quite rare is the man or woman who has gone through life holding firmly to a single ideological vision. More usual is a tendency toward ideological fragments, bits and pieces of belief systems that allow for shifts, revisions, and recombinations."

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